
There are nearly 6.5 billion people in the world today. More than half of them would go hungry without rice. Rice cultivation and consumption date back over 4,000 years with apparent origins in China. From there, rice cultivation spread to India and other parts of Asia, and ultimately the world. Many modern cultures still carry on traditional ceremonies begun by their ancestors, celebrating the planting and harvesting of rice.
Arroz Largo Fino Integral
Informacion Nutricional
Valores en 50g
Valor Energetico
175.2 kcal
735.84 KJ
40 gr
3.8 gr
Grasas Totales
Grasas Saturadas
Grasas Trans
Fibra Alimentaria
2 mg
Arroz Largo Fino Elaborado
Informacion Nutricional
Valores en 50g
Valor Energetico
179 kcal=
752 KJ
40 gr
3.8 gr
Grasas Totales
Grasas Saturadas
Grasas Trans
Fibra Alimentaria
2 mg
Long Grain Rice
Every package of Long Grain White Rice is filled with long slender kernels, polished to perfection so they cook up separate, light and fluffy. We put the same care into our medium and short grain rice products so you can provide rice with confidence to your most discriminating customers. Cooks who know prefer TRINITY.SNOW for it's superior appearance, texture and cooking characteristics.
Our Long Grain Parboiled Rice has been soaked, steamed and dried at exacting temperatures and under carefully controlled processing conditions to produce firmer, more separate kernels with maximum nutrient retention. Our Parboiled Rice always cooks up fluffy and light, with superior texture and flavor.
Arroz en Latín es Oryza Sativa, la variedad es Arroz Largo Fino tipo americano
Arroz blanco convencional 10%…….. .-USD FOB
Arroz blanco convencional 5% ..........-USD FOB
Quebrado medio grano ……… .- USD FOB
Arroz Integral Convencional …………… .-USD FOB
Arroz Integral Orgánico ………… .-USD FOB